Apple Strudel (first attempt)

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Yep – again a recipe with apples. I am so waiting for the spring to come and for some really great fruits on the local markets. But anyway – there are still loads of great apples to be baked. This is my first attempt to Strudel and it is a bit tricky with the dough, but with a little touch and patience it will work.

For the dough:
250 gr. flour – Type 550
2 gr. salt
1 egg
100 ml water (ludewarm)
20 ml oil

Oil to dap the dough for the dormant Phase
Melted butter for the dough

For the filling:
800 gr. chopped apples
1 lemon (the juice)
170 gr. raisins (watered)
100 gr. breadcrumbs
50 gr. butter
140 gr. sugar
10 gr. cinnamon

You need:
baking sheet, buttered
oven at 340°F/170°C (air circulation)
60 gr. melted butter

Mix all the ingredients for the dough in a bowl – flour salt egg water oil – until you have a homogenous dough. Dap the dough with oil and cover with foil. Let it rest for one hour.


That goes very quick. As a variation I bathed the dough in oil.

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In a pan melt the butter at middle heat and roast the breadcrumbs until light brown – put aside to cool down. Water the raisins (for at least 15 or 20 minutes) and chop the apples. Into the chopped apples add the juice of a lemon, sugar, the cinnamon, the watered raisins and the breadcumbs – mix well.

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After the dormant phase put some flour on a kitchen towel. Flour the dough and roll out on the towel. To get a rectangular form pull it on the towel until it covers your towel.
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Coat the dough with melted butter. Put the filling on and use the towel to make a roll.
Put it on the buttered baking sheet and let it bake for about 40 minutes in the oven at 340°F/170°C (air circulation). Always have an eye on it. It should be light Brown.

After the baking dash the Strudel with melted butter.
I hope you like the recipe.

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